
Homespun in Colorado

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jello sensory play

I have a love-hate relationship with sensory bins and play. No matter what, it seems like an epic mess for me to clean up is the end result. That being said, wee try to do at least one messy sensory activity per week to help Sumner work on his occupational therapy goals. Sumner, like me,…

our adoption story #8: the finalization hearing and making it official

Today, I’m writing about our adoption finalization hearing. Adoption takes many, many steps. The general process for infant adoption goes: initial application home study training and waiting matching with an expectant mom birth and placement post-placement supervision finalization I’ve linked my previous posts about the steps in the process. Of course, feel free to comment…

our adoption story #7: waiting for the hearing

Today, I’m writing about the post-placement process and while we waited for our finalization hearing. Adoption takes many, many steps. With infant adoption, in general, the process goes: initial application home study training and waiting matching with an expectant mom birth and placement post-placement supervision finalization The State of Colorado requires families to wait at…

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